This support article highlights questions within the "Education, Outreach, and Community Development" tracking tool that are relevant to activities linked to the WHAI, GMSH, and ACCHO networks.
Key Points
- All ACCHO, GMS, and WHAI network members should check off the appropriate boxes indicating the use of ACCHO, GMSH, WHAI resources or campaigns, when tracking their activities.
- Activities should be recorded on a regular basis shortly after they are delivered using the tracking tool.
Worker Type
You are able to record more than one type of worker in Question 2.1 (Who delivered this activity?)
You are able to record a secondary optional priority population in Question 3 (Secondary priority population targeted/discussed (optional))
PPN Campaigns and Resources
You are able to record the use of PPN materials or campaign links for all activity types. Previously this was limited to only some types of activities.
- Reminder: You can record links to multiple PPNs for each activity.
Note: One-on-one education can be bulk entered on a regular basis as long as all individuals were members of the same priority population.
Activities Delivered by Multiple Workers
If you delivered an activity jointly between two or more workers at your organization you can indicate:
- more than one worker type
- e.g., WHAI worker & ACB strategy worker
- all PPN resources and campaigns that were used for this activity [check all that apply]
- e.g., ACCHO and GMSH resources were used
- more than one priority population that you intended to reach
- e.g., ACB community & Gay/bisexual/MSM
Reminder: Each activity should only be recorded once at your organization.